It’s time the medical profession in the U.S. caught up with the U.K., and most European nations, by pulling back its support for gender ideology. It’s madness and every sane person knows this to be true.
The American Medical Association, the American Academy of Pediatrics, the Federation of Pediatric Organizations, the American Psychological Association and the American Psychiatric Association are still promoting transgenderism, the insane idea that the sexes are interchangeable. They are not—nature is not a social construct.
The Brits have figured it out. They decided on December 11 to make permanent an earlier decision by the country’s National Health Service to ban the use of puberty blockers for young people suffering from gender dysphoria.
Wes Streeting, the health secretary, said, “We need to act with caution and care when it comes to this vulnerable group of young people, and follow the expert advice.” One of the experts he listened to was Hilary Cass. She noted that puberty blockers “are powerful drugs with unproven benefits and significant risks.”
Why is the U.S. on the wrong side of history on this issue? As I pointed out in Cultural Meltdown: The Secular Roots of Our Moral Crisis, what’s driving transgenderism is money and ideology. That’s a wicked stew.
The transgender industry is a multibillion dollar enterprise. Lots of medical professionals are making a quick buck exploiting sexually confused young people. They are prescribing puberty blockers and performing sex-reassignment surgery—including chemical castration and genital mutilation—on troubled youth.
Then there is the role of ideology. Transgenderism is based on the unscientific notion that the sexes are interchangeable. It holds that all it takes for a male to become a female, and vice versa, is to make public declarations of this sort. But we cannot change what nature has ordained. Nature is not like a piece of putty that can be twisted and reconfigured. God made sure of that.
Dr. Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard is a Nobel Prize-winning biologist. She calls the transgender movement’s claims “unscientific” and “nonsense,” and says that allowing teenagers to determine their own sex is “madness.” Furthermore, she says, “All mammals have two sexes, and man is a mammal. There’s the one sex that produces the eggs, has two X chromosomes. That’s called female. And there’s the other one that makes the sperm, has an X and a Y chromosome. That’s called male.”
This is Biology 101. But it needs to be relearned, and no segment of the population needs to relearn it more than the medical profession. They need to put the money and ideology aside and start acting responsibly again.