October Issue 1993

Rocky Mountain High in Denver

By |2012-07-19T16:43:18-04:00October 18th, 1993|Categories: Catalyst, Catholic League Newsletter, Features|Tags: |

The recent papal visit to Denver gave the phrase "Rocky Mountain high" a whole new meaning for the hundreds of thousands of participants and the millions more who followed the event on TV. The "aftershocks" have reverberated through the media for well over a month and have made for some very interesting reading. Denver area reporters [...]

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Proposition 174

By |2012-07-19T16:43:19-04:00October 18th, 1993|Categories: Catalyst, Catholic League Newsletter, Features|Tags: |

On Nov. 2, the country will be watching intently as Californians go to the polls to decide whether or not to embrace education vouchers. Proposition 174, the Parental Choice in Education Initiative, would require the state to provide a voucher for $2,600 per year to students wishing to transfer out of the public-school system to help [...]

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National columnists back Parental Choice in Education

By |2012-07-19T16:43:20-04:00October 18th, 1993|Categories: Catalyst, Catholic League Newsletter, Features|Tags: |

California vote gets national attention George F. Will (Chicago Sun Times) and Stephen Chapman (Chicago Tribune) have come out strongly in favor of proposition 174. Pointing out that private schools often show better results than public schools while spending less money per pupil, Will maintains that as more students use vouchers to attend private schools, the [...]

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FOCA dead; “access” bill lives

By |2012-07-19T16:43:20-04:00October 18th, 1993|Categories: Catalyst, Catholic League Newsletter, Features|Tags: |

They're not saying it very loudly, but supporters of the Freedom of Choice Act are privately conceding that the bill is dead for this session of Congress and perhaps mortally wounded. Another piece of legislation, tagged the "clinic access bill," is alive and well, however, and would make it a Federal crime to block abortion clinics [...]

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Vermont printers’ case drags on

By |2012-07-19T16:43:21-04:00October 17th, 1993|Categories: Catalyst, Catholic League Newsletter, Features|Tags: |

A Vermont judge has denied a defense motion, refusing to throw out the case against Chuck and Susan Baker, Catholic owners of a printing business who were sued by the ACLU when they refused to print membership materials for Catholics for Free Choice, a pro-abortion group. The ACLU claimed that the Bakers' refusal to print the [...]

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League rips mass disruption by gays

By |2017-03-20T17:59:45-04:00October 17th, 1993|Categories: Catalyst, Catholic League Newsletter, Features|Tags: |

Responding to the disruption of a Mass being celebrated by Bishop Thomas V. Daily at St. James Cathedral in Brooklyn by members of the New York City Gay and Lesbian Anti-Violence Project, Catholic League President Bill Donohue quickly issued a news release condemning the actions of the demonstrators. According to The Tablet, 29 demonstrators who were protesting Bishop [...]

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By |2012-07-19T16:43:22-04:00October 17th, 1993|Categories: Catalyst, Catholic League Newsletter, Features|Tags: |

Chicago Chapter The chapter hosted League president Bill Donohue at its August advisory board meeting. While in town Donohue was interviewed by the New World (Archdiocese of Chicago) and the Northwest Indiana Catholic (diocese of Gary). Effective October 1, the chapter office and executive director Tom O'Connell (A.K.A. Midwest Regional Director O'Connell!) will be relocating to [...]

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The Write Stuff…

By |2012-07-19T16:43:23-04:00October 17th, 1993|Categories: Catalyst, Catholic League Newsletter, Features|Tags: |

NEW YORK NEWSDAY 9/8/93 I read with amusement Gabriel Rotella's Cityscape column, "Catholic Bashing: The Cry of Cowards." As president of the nation's largest Catholic civil rights organization ... I can assure Rotella that the Catholic League does not object to criticism of the Catholic Church. But that doesn't mean that we don't object when militant [...]

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