June Issue 1994

Gaming Interests Declare Open Season on the Church in Massachusetts

By |2019-09-24T18:54:45-04:00June 9th, 1994|Categories: Catalyst, Features|Tags: |

The Boston Globe took pleasure in running this cartoon by Szep in its April 14 issue. For League response see Massachusetts Chapter president Dan Flatley's letter below. Catholic Church opposition to legalized casino gambling in Massachusetts has made the Church a target of opportnnity for the media of the commonwealth. The League's Massachusetts Chapter has been [...]

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Some Catholic Thoughts on the Holocaust

By |2019-09-24T18:55:22-04:00June 6th, 1994|Categories: Catalyst, Features|Tags: |

The letters on these two pages seek to address some issues raised by recent Holocaust-related events.Our knowledge of the important role played by the Catholic Church in rescuing Jews during World War II continues to grow. The Catholic League will continue to address this issue from time to time as new research becomes accessible. Two recent [...]

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An Open Letter to the Editor of NEWSWEEK

By |2017-03-20T17:59:39-04:00June 6th, 1994|Categories: Catalyst, Features|Tags: |

Dear Sir: Once again I find myself appalled by tbe ease with which writers in the mainstream press are able to publish anti-Catholic slurs. Please read the opening part of yonr snippet under "Short Cuts," one entitled "Rome Remembers the Holocaust," through the eyes of your Catholic readers, if you can imagine doing so: Maybe even [...]

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Massachusetts Chapter Banquet

By |2012-07-09T18:03:13-04:00June 6th, 1994|Categories: Catalyst, Features|Tags: |

The Massachusetts Chapter of the Catholic League will hold its 1994 Annual Award Banquet on Wednesday, November 2, 1994 at the Sheraton Tara Hotel in Braintree, Massachusetts. There will be a reception at 6:30p.m. followed by dinner at 7:00p.m. His Eminence Bernard Cardinal Law, Archbishop of Boston, will be among the honored guests.

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Be It Resolved That…

By |2012-07-09T18:03:13-04:00June 6th, 1994|Categories: Catalyst, Features|Tags: |

A special thank you to Massachusetts Knights of Columbus State Deputy Kenneth Ryan (a Catholic League member who serves on the chapter board) and the other state officers for the following resolution passed at this year's annual state convention: WHEREAS: The Catholic League, founded in 1973 by Father Virgil Blum, is the largest Catholic civil rights [...]

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Pastoral Letter Cites Anti-Catholicism

By |2017-03-20T17:59:39-04:00June 6th, 1994|Categories: Catalyst, Features|Tags: |

In an outstanding pastoral letter titled ''You Shall Be My Witnesses," Boston's Cardmal Bernard Law challenges the members of his flock to effectively witness their Christian faith as the Church approaches its third millenium. One particularly good segment follows: "The tension between Church and culture has increased in this past decade. In the past, even those [...]

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Philadelphia Chapter at Retreat House

By |2012-07-09T18:03:15-04:00June 6th, 1994|Categories: Catalyst, Features|Tags: |

Members of our Philadelphia Chapter are conducting one-hour presentations on the Catholic League every Saturday afternoon at the diocese's Malvern retreat house. Chapter Executive Director Jim Nolan reports that the presentations are well-received..

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