tumblr_mczc2nxfcp1qa42jro1_1280Bill Donohue comments on New York City Controller-candidate Scott Stringer’s sexual connections:

We know Scott Stringer voted to retain the tax-exempt status of an organized band of child rapists (click here), and that he initially voted against Megan’s Law, a registry that tracks convicted sex offenders (click here). This got me thinking: Does Stringer have any more sexual baggage? It turns out he does. His close ties to Terry Richardson, the fashion photographer who exploits women of all ages, including his own mother, is something that deserves a public airing.

Stringer has a reputation for championing women’s rights, but his record and his associations make mince meat of this claim.

Stringer’s press secretary is Audrey Gelman (she also stars in the obscene HBO show, “Girls”). Her boyfriend is Terry Richardson, and he is the link to fat cats in the fashion industry who are financing Stringer’s campaign. All of them know of Richardson’s perversions. As the Wall Street Journal said last month, Stringer has “fashion photographer Terry Richardson on his team.” Indeed, Richardson opens the doors for Gelman, who in turn “corrals” fashion industry donors to give to Stringer.

If we can judge a politician by the people on his team, then Scott Stringer’s character is deeply flawed. There is too much about Richardson’s sordid history to fit on this page. To read a summary of it, click here.