AR2014 CoverEveryone at the Catholic League plays an important role in the service we provide, although the jobs vary considerably. But the person most responsible for assembling the data and writing the entries is John Mulvey, a young, bright, and hard-working employee. Working with him in the policy department is Donald Lauer and Katelynn Schmitterer; Don handles our website and Kate is in charge of the layout of Catalyst. They, along with John, do the research. I am very proud of the great work that all of them do.

In the processing department we have four Catholic League veterans: Alex Mejia, our controller, and Tom Arkin, Mary Ellen Kiely, and Suzon Loreto; Matthew Bartlett, our administrative assistant, straddles both departments. Their commitment to the cause—the defense of the Catholic Church—is never doubted, and they also do great work.

The vice president, Bernadette Brady-Egan, joined the league in 1995, two years after I started as president. She is responsible for overseeing both departments: her superb commitment, excellent judgment, and affability make her the perfect person for the job.

Father Philip Eichner is the chairman of the board. But he is much more than that: he is the guiding light of the organization. His prudence and his wisdom make him a very special person. I cannot thank him enough.

It does not exaggerate to say that our board of advisors is among the most distinguished of any Catholic organization in the nation. Our board of directors, the ones who are charged with stewardship responsibilities, is so capable and dedicated that I seriously doubt they have any peers.

It is exciting to work at the Catholic League. Even our critics will acknowledge that we are on the cutting edge of our culture. Most important, we have fun doing our jobs. We love what we are defending, and we love doing it.

William A. Donohue, Ph.D.
