Many league members contacted us asking for the names of the 18 Catholic Democrats in the U.S. House who criticized Pope Benedict XVI in a May 10 statement for his comments on pro-abortion Catholic politicians’ fitness to receive Communion. The members who contacted us were responding to our June Catalyst story, “Catholic Democrats Chide Pope.”
The 18 Catholic Democrats who signed the statement are:
Joe Baca (CA), Tim Bishop (NY), Joe Courtney (CT), Rosa DeLauro (CT), Anna Eshoo (CA), Maurice Hinchey (NY), Patrick Kennedy (RI), James Langevin (RI), John Larson (CT), Carolyn McCarthy (NY), Betty McCollum (MN), James Moran (VA), Bill Pascrell (NJ), Tim Ryan (OH), Linda Sanchez (CA), José Serrano (NY), Hilda Solis (CA), and Mike Thompson (CA).