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Pope Benedict XVI's speech on September 12 at the University of Regensburg in Germany elicited reactions from many critics, with some of them calling for the pope's head. Here is the worst of the worst:      · September 14, Ali Bardakoglu, head of Turkey's Directorate General for Religious Affairs told NTV (Turkey): "The remarks reflect the [...]

2019-09-23T19:48:56-04:00By |Categories: Catalyst, Features|Tags: |Comments Off on POPE’S CRITICS UNLOAD


A few years back, someone managed to hack into the Catholic League’s website and disable it. We contacted the FBI and they arrested a young Muslim man. On August 5, we got hit again, only this time it was much worse. This time the guilty party staged an attack on our web host, Catholic Online, a [...]

2013-03-06T20:58:10-05:00By |Categories: Catalyst, Front Page|Tags: |Comments Off on WEB ATTACK


It only took a couple of days for Walmart to buckle. Under pressure by the Catholic League to pull three indefensible Catholic Halloween costumes, the megastore did just that. Had it not been for those who receive our email news releases, and who let Walmart know of their displeasure, there would have been no victory. A [...]

2017-03-20T17:49:14-04:00By |Categories: Catalyst, Front Page|Tags: |Comments Off on WALMART BOWS TO PRESSURE; ONLINE PROTEST SCORES


California Governor Gavin Newsom did what everyone expected him to do when he signed legislation to remove a statue of St. Junípero Serra from the state Capitol in Sacramento. We opposed this decision but almost every lawmaker was against us. The attack on Serra is motivated by ignorance of his meritorious service to Indians in the [...]

2021-11-16T14:41:18-05:00By |Categories: Catalyst, Front Page|Tags: |Comments Off on ST. SERRA DISHONORED


To show how fair she is, Patricia Sonntag, director of the office of Services to Students with Disabilities at California State University, Sacramento, banned 4th of July celebrations, along with Christmas, from her office. Here is what her directive said: "With the new year, we will now celebrate the seasons and holiday without decorations in the [...]

2013-05-30T16:30:26-04:00By |Categories: Catalyst, Features|Tags: |Comments Off on CHRISTMAS CENSORS BAN 4TH OF JULY

Disney Protests Continue

The Catholic League wishes to thank all of the members who participated in the petition drive against Disney, launched in the May issue of Catalyst. Of the thousands of petitions returned to the national head-quarters, the majority had several names per petition. Many, in fact, had lists of names. The League estimates that at least 7,500 [...]

2019-09-24T18:17:54-04:00By |Categories: Catalyst, Features|Tags: |Comments Off on Disney Protests Continue


Bill Donohue comments on a resolution passed by the San Francisco Board of Supervisors: Sacramento does not lack for lawmakers who are hostile to Catholicism, but it takes a back seat to those who work in San Francisco. The Board of Supervisors in San Francisco unanimously passed a resolution yesterday [click here] that declares war on [...]

2019-09-19T17:33:21-04:00By |Categories: Latest News Releases|Tags: |Comments Off on MORE INTOLERANCE IN SAN FRANCISCO
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