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Catholic League president Bill Donohue comments on recent criticisms of Cardinal Donald Wuerl, Archbishop of Washington: It is one thing for the laity to be angry about recent revelations regarding former cardinal Theodore McCarrick, and the Pennsylvania grand jury report on molesting priests (which is riddled with lies), it is quite another to allow emotion, not [...]

2018-08-17T18:16:22-04:00By |Categories: Latest News Releases|Tags: |Comments Off on SCAPEGOATING CARDINAL WUERL


BY  DAVID  REINHARD I think the Roman Catholic Church has turned the corner on its priest sexual abuse scandal. Yes, turned the corner. True, the stories about pedophile priests—the crimes and cover-ups—will fill the news and fuel the outrage of Catholics, non-Catholics and anti-Catholics for some time to come. The courts, civil and criminal, will continue [...]

2019-09-24T14:21:56-04:00By |Categories: Catalyst, Essay|Tags: |Comments Off on A TIME FOR REDEMPTION


Catholic League president Bill Donohue comments on an editorial in today's Washington Post: No one can fault the Washington Post for criticizing the Vatican summit on clergy abuse for being short on concrete prescriptions for reform. That much is true. But at the end of the editorial in today's paper it makes two accusations that are simply [...]

2019-02-27T21:38:15-05:00By |Categories: Latest News Releases|Tags: |Comments Off on WASHINGTON POST GETS IT WRONG ON ABUSE


Movies April 3 New York, NY – Neil Jordan’s "The Butcher Boy" opened in select theaters, complete with Sinead O’Connor playing a foul-mouthed Virgin Mary uttering the F-word. In defending the scene, O’Connor opined that "if Mary was around right now she might say something like fuck!" For his part, Jordan believed that his portrayal of the [...]

2017-03-20T17:57:59-04:00By |Categories: 1998 Report on Anti-Catholicism, Annual Report on Anti-Catholicism|Comments Off on Media


The following entries are examples of media duplicity or deception. February 13 – 15  ABC News ran a story about a Catholic official from Purcell Marian High School who was fired for rejecting Catholic teachings on marriage and the family. In response, a petition campaign was launched attacking the decision. The petition stated, "I would [...]


Media Response to John Jay Report On May 18, we addressed what the media said about the 2011 John Jay Report on the “Causes and Context” of clergy abuse. Bill Donohue’s analysis of the report is at the end of the annual report. After the New York Times criticized the study as the “blame Woodstock” report, many [...]


Media Archbishop Dolan’s Critics Freak Out In November, following the election of Archbishop Timothy Dolan as the President of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, critics of the New York archbishop went ballistic. Here are a few examples: NPR was worried that Archbishop Dolan is “overtly conservative,” and Tim Rutten of the Los Angeles Times fretted about [...]

2019-09-25T16:54:37-04:00By |Categories: 2010 Report on Anti-Catholicism, Annual Report on Anti-Catholicism|Comments Off on Media


The August edition of Jane magazine featured a satirical article about how people can use the same tactics as pedophile priests to have casual sex. Titled "How to get laid like a priest," the article contained a disclaimer asserting it was targeting only pedophile priests, not the Church in general. The accompanying photographs showed a storefront [...]

2017-03-20T17:56:42-04:00By |Categories: Catalyst, Features|Tags: |Comments Off on JANE MAGAZINE FOOLS NO ONE
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