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William A. Donohue After George W. Bush won reelection in 2004, it was disclosed that “values voters” played a major role in defeating the Democrats. More than any other issue, it was abortion that proved decisive: the “values voters” preferred the pro-life position of the Republican Party. It didn’t take long before some Democrats, especially Catholics [...]

2013-05-22T17:15:09-04:00By |Categories: Catalyst, From The President's Desk|Tags: |Comments Off on “COMMON GROUND” CATHOLICS


William A. Donohue We have been in the throes of a culture war for the past half-century, but never has it been more imperative to buckle your seat belts until now. Quite frankly, the culture war is about to explode. The culture war pits traditionalists against modernists. To be more specific, it pits those who ascribe [...]

2020-11-09T21:54:18-05:00By |Categories: Catalyst, From The President's Desk|Tags: |Comments Off on CULTURE WAR READY TO EXPLODE


Catholic League president Bill Donohue explains why he is opposed to funding faith-based programs under President Obama:   A few dozen left-wing organizations, some of which are no friend of religious liberty, sent a letter to President Obama this week asking that he rescind an amendment to an Executive Order that allows faith-based programs to limit [...]

2017-03-20T17:52:52-04:00By |Categories: Latest News Releases|Tags: |Comments Off on SHUT DOWN FAITH-BASED PROGRAMS


On November 9, we learned that the Obama administration had decided to promote the sale of fresh Christmas trees by imposing a 15-cent tax on them (the tax was being levied to pay for a PR campaign). We immediately put out a sarcastic news release “supporting” the idea. Later that day, the tax plan was revoked. [...]

2012-12-21T20:20:59-05:00By |Categories: Catalyst, Front Page|Tags: |Comments Off on NO TREE TAX

Culture War Ready to Explode

William Donohue December 2008 We have been in the throes of a culture war for the past half-century, but never has it been more imperative to buckle your seat belts until now. Quite frankly, the culture war is about to explode. The culture war pits traditionalists against modernists. To be more specific, it pits those who [...]

2017-03-20T17:54:12-04:00By |Categories: Abortion, White Papers and Essays|Comments Off on Culture War Ready to Explode


FROM THE PRESIDENT’S DESK  William Donohue Many years ago, Harvard sociologist Daniel Patrick Moynihan said he was stunned by the swiftness of cultural change that took place in the 1960s. In particular, he cited the overnight conversion to co-ed dorms on college campuses. Lots of changes took place during this period, but fast as they were, [...]

2012-12-20T18:17:36-05:00By |Categories: Catalyst, From The President's Desk|Tags: |Comments Off on THE GAY EXPRESS


February 29 – March 4 Fort Lauderdale, FL – Parker Playhouse featured a five-day run of Matthew Lombardo’s play, “High,” with Kathleen Turner starring as a recovering alcoholic, gutter-mouth nun. Convinced of his special claim to victim status because of his own penchant for drug addiction and homosexuality, the playwright narcissistically invented a self-denigrating nun character [...]

Inequality Not Squared by Soaking the Rich

Bill Donohue This article was originally published by Newsmax on January 27, 2014. When Pope Francis speaks about our "throwaway" abortion culture, or comments on marriage as a union between a man and a woman, he wins no points from those on the left. But when he speaks about income inequality, he is praised by the [...]

2014-01-27T14:54:47-05:00By |Categories: White Papers and Essays|Comments Off on Inequality Not Squared by Soaking the Rich
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