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Bill Donohue, Ph.D. President Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights August 16, 2018 Unlike most commentators and reporters, I have read most of the Pennsylvania grand jury report. The purpose of this statement is to debunk many of the myths, and indeed lies, that mar the report and/or interpretations of it. Myth: Over 300 priests [...]

2018-11-29T13:47:48-05:00By |Categories: Special Reports|Comments Off on PENNSYLVANIA GRAND JURY REPORT DEBUNKED

Report on Newsday (NY) and the Church

(1/2004) Part 1: General Catholic Church Coverage January 2002-December 2003   Columnists Dick Ryan:  “The laity must begin to convince those Catholics who seem asleep that their church is in a terminal crisis that involves everybody.  It can no longer be enough to ‘hit the rail’ on Sunday and piously say the rosary, while the abuse of authority [...]

2019-09-27T17:29:34-04:00By |Categories: The Media, White Papers and Essays|Comments Off on Report on Newsday (NY) and the Church


Bill Donohue Unlike most commentators and reporters, I have read most of the Pennsylvania grand jury report. The purpose of this statement is to debunk many of the myths, and indeed lies, that mar the report and/or interpretations of it. Myth: Over 300 priests were found guilty of preying on youngsters in Pennsylvania. Fact: No one [...]

2018-11-29T13:42:30-05:00By |Categories: Catalyst, Essay|Tags: |Comments Off on PENNSYLVANIA GRAND JURY REPORT DEBUNKED


On the "Tonight Show with Jay Leno" on June 18, comedian Robin Williams plugged his newest movie, "License to Wed." In the film, Williams plays a Protestant minister who makes an engaged couple go through a grueling marriage preparatory course. But on Leno's show, Williams went off on Catholic priests, painting them all as pedophiles. Williams [...]

2017-03-20T17:54:46-04:00By |Categories: Catalyst, Features|Tags: |Comments Off on ROBIN WILLIAMS’ SICK IDEA OF HUMOR


1996 Austin, TX - Living Truth Ministries distributed a video, The Pope Over Jerusalem, which discusses the "unholy" plans of the Pope to reign over Jerusalem. Among the topics explored are the "hidden agenda of a high-ranking Catholic prelate...who acts as the chief strategist of the Vatican plot to conquer Jerusalem." Also discussed is the "surprising role to [...]

2019-09-26T18:45:00-04:00By |Categories: 1996 Report on Anti-Catholicism, Annual Report on Anti-Catholicism|Comments Off on Government

A Time for Redemption

by David Reinhard (Catalyst 5/2002) I think the Roman Catholic Church has turned the corner on its priest sexual abuse scandal. Yes, turned the corner. True, the stories about pedophile priests—the crimes and cover-ups—will fill the news and fuel the outrage of Catholics, non-Catholics and anti-Catholics for some time to come. The courts, civil and criminal, [...]

2020-11-24T13:56:43-05:00By |Categories: The Sex Abuse Scandal, White Papers and Essays|Comments Off on A Time for Redemption


No one can fault the Washington Post for criticizing the Vatican summit on clergy abuse for being short on concrete prescriptions for reform. That much is true. But at the end of the February 27 editorial it made two accusations that are simply not true, and one that is misleading. The editorial took the Church to [...]

2019-04-18T18:25:57-04:00By |Categories: Catalyst, Features|Tags: |Comments Off on WASHINGTON POST GETS IT WRONG ON ABUSE


Bill Donohue It is one thing for the laity to be angry about recent revelations regarding former cardinal Theodore McCarrick, and the Pennsylvania grand jury report on molesting priests (which is riddled with lies, see pp.8-10), it is quite another to allow emotion, not reason, to guide one's perspective on these twin scandals. Yet that is [...]

2018-09-25T19:50:49-04:00By |Categories: Catalyst, Features|Tags: |Comments Off on SCAPEGOATING CARDINAL WUERL
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