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Catholic League president Bill Donohue spoke today about the Vatican’s document on gays in the priesthood: “For 2000 years, the Catholic Church has been the subject of countless lies, especially on issues that touch on sexuality.  Today, the biggest lie is that the Church suffers from a ‘pedophilia’ problem.  And now that the Vatican has released [...]

2012-10-12T16:56:16-04:00By |Categories: Latest News Releases|Tags: |Comments Off on THERE NEVER WAS A “PEDOPHILIA” CRISIS


In 2002, the bishops assembled in Dallas amidst a media frenzy to consider reforms to combat the sexual abuse of minors. But when the bishops met this June, there was no frenzy this time around. That’s because the reforms worked. Leading up to the meeting, not a single media outlet provided an in-depth assessment of the [...]

2012-12-20T19:23:26-05:00By |Categories: Catalyst, Features|Tags: |Comments Off on GOOD NEWS IS NO NEWS


This ad, written by Bill Donohue, was rejected by the Kansas City Star, without explanation. The close relationship between the newspaper and SNAP is disturbing, but to turn down $25,000 is still surprising. The Star can impose a gag rule on us, but it cannot control us. We intend to let everyone in Kansas City, Missouri [...]

2017-03-20T17:45:30-04:00By |0 Comments

Business / Workplace

Hoboken, NJ - The greeting card company Noble Works publishes a series of cards under the title "Extra." Some include a choir boy saying, "See Father; I've been practicing like you said I should, and I can get my mouth open really wide." The punch line is, "Ready for your surprise?" Another is a picture of Jesus [...]

2019-09-26T15:34:47-04:00By |Categories: 2002 Report on Anti-Catholicism, Annual Report on Anti-Catholicism|Comments Off on Business / Workplace

Activist Organizations

February 5 Chicago, IL - Americans United for the Separation of Church and State executive director Barry Lynn objected to the slogan on the side of the new "Patriot USA" coach launched by the suburban Chicago bus transit system called PACE. The full sized, red, white and blue bus was wrapped in a decal that featured the [...]

2019-09-26T15:17:09-04:00By |Categories: 2002 Report on Anti-Catholicism, Annual Report on Anti-Catholicism|Comments Off on Activist Organizations


January Watchtower, the official website of Jehovah’s Witnesses, published an article falsely accusing Pope Pius XII and the Catholic Church of "silence" during the Holocaust. The article sought to contrast this "silence" with the suffering of Jehovah’s Witnesses who were persecuted for denouncing Nazi brutality. The article pointedly ignored the millions of Catholics who suffered imprisonment [...]

2019-09-26T17:50:06-04:00By |Categories: 1999 Report on Anti-Catholicism, Annual Report on Anti-Catholicism|Comments Off on Miscellaneous


1998 Lodi, CA – Is the Virgin Mary Dead or Alive? published by Modern Manna Ministries, accuses the Catholic Church of leading people "to regard Mary as the most important being there is, greater than Jesus himself." Deploring Pope John Paul II’s popularity with young people, the book declares, "Obviously, the pope of Rome is a major player [...]

2019-09-26T18:10:18-04:00By |Categories: 1998 Report on Anti-Catholicism, Annual Report on Anti-Catholicism|Comments Off on Miscellaneous


MOVIES Winter The movie "Touch" told the story of a man who was a Christ-like figure for the 1990s. He is capable of performing miracles, but is uninterested in spreading the gospel. He enjoys spending time with a female companion. The usual nutty Catholics were showcased, willing to kill for a return of the Latin Mass. [...]

2019-09-26T18:11:01-04:00By |Categories: 1997 Report on Anti-Catholicism, Annual Report on Anti-Catholicism|Comments Off on Media
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