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Catholic League president Bill Donohue comments on the reaction by atheist organizations to a prayer given by Ben Carson: Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Ben Carson opened a recent Cabinet meeting with a prayer, noting that separation of church and state "doesn't mean that they cannot work together to promote godly principles." No one but [...]

2019-10-24T14:46:39-04:00By |Categories: Latest News Releases|Tags: |Comments Off on BEN CARSON ATTACKED BY ATHEISTS


Catholic League president Bill Donohue comments on a joint statement by three committees of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB): Three committees of the USCCB—the Committee for Religious Liberty, the Committee on Domestic Justice and Human Development, and the Subcommittee for the Promotion and Defense of Marriage—have issued a strong statement on three cases [...]

2019-10-10T14:33:44-04:00By |Categories: Latest News Releases|Tags: |Comments Off on BISHOPS OPPOSE REDEFINING “SEX”


There was a recent story in the New York Times on conditions in state-run homes for the developmentally disabled that was very disturbing. Not only are many of the residents subjected to physical and sexual abuse, state laws protect miscreant state workers, allowing them to strike again, with impunity. This is not a new story. In [...]

2019-07-22T19:56:12-04:00By |Categories: Catalyst, Features|Tags: |Comments Off on NYS-RUN HOMES MERIT NEW LAW


After much delay, the Vatican has finally set forth reforms to combat clergy sexual abuse. Fortunately, they are comprehensive and meaningful. Due to widely different cultural practices, reforms are not easy to craft for global institutions. Those who wrote these strictures did a commendable job. The reforms target a wide range of persons victimized by sexual [...]

2019-06-19T20:51:39-04:00By |Categories: Catalyst, Features|Tags: |Comments Off on NEW SEX ABUSE REFORMS WELCOMED


Catholic League president Bill Donohue comments on new sexual abuse reforms announced by the Vatican: After much delay, the Vatican has finally set forth reforms to combat clergy sexual abuse. Fortunately, they are comprehensive and meaningful. Due to widely different cultural practices, reforms are not easy to craft for global institutions. Those who wrote these strictures [...]

2019-05-10T20:26:12-04:00By |Categories: Latest News Releases|Tags: |Comments Off on NEW SEX ABUSE REFORMS WELCOMED


Ralph Cipriano With the Catholic Church under legal assault by prosecutors in 14 states, the case of a former Philadelphia altar boy dubbed "Billy Doe" serves as a cautionary tale that not every priest accused of sex abuse is automatically guilty. The case also shows that crusading prosecutors don't always play by the rules. And that [...]

2019-01-31T20:12:58-05:00By |Categories: Catalyst, Essay|Tags: |Comments Off on THE LEGACY OF “BILLY DOE”

The War on Christmas

The animus against Christmas manifests itself in a myriad of ways, and 2015 was no exception.  The anti-Christmas bigots from the Freedom From Religion Foundation threatened a lawsuit against a small Minnesota town because it displayed a nativity scene in a public park. For 23 years, no one in Wadena complained about the crèche in Burlington [...]

2019-09-24T19:50:31-04:00By |Categories: 2015 Report on Anti-Catholicsm, Annual Report on Anti-Catholicism|Tags: |Comments Off on The War on Christmas

Holocaust School Assignment Gone Awry

By Bill Donohue This article was originally published by Newsmax on May 9, 2014. After it was learned that a Southern California eighth-grade class was asked to debate the reality of the Holocaust, a firestorm ensued.  Apologies followed, and pledges were forthcoming from the Rialto Unified School District not to let this happen again. While it [...]

2017-03-20T17:50:30-04:00By |Categories: White Papers and Essays|Comments Off on Holocaust School Assignment Gone Awry
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