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On the floor of the House of Representatives today, Democratic Congressman Steve Cohen said that “Barack Obama was a community organizer like Jesus.” Catholic League president Bill Donohue responded as follows: “Congressman Cohen forgot to mention that Jesus could walk on water. Perhaps he can tell us when Obama plans to take a stroll across the [...]

2012-10-11T20:11:06-04:00By |Categories: Latest News Releases|Tags: |Comments Off on OBAMA AND JESUS: TWO “COMMUNITY ORGANIZERS”


In a major survey released this week by the Paul B. Henry Institute for the Study of Christianity and Politics at Calvin College, it was reported that 57 percent of Americans believe that religious leaders should not support political candidates during worship services. Commenting on this today is Catholic League president Bill Donohue: “The findings of [...]

2012-10-22T17:15:56-04:00By |Categories: Latest News Releases|Tags: , |Comments Off on WILL McCAIN AND OBAMA RESPECT CHURCHES?

Catholics United: Jesus Is Pro-Obama

In one of the most crass examples of ripping off Christianity to make a cheap political point, Catholics United, a left-wing front group for the Democratic party, is running two radio commercials promoting President Obama’s stimulus package. What is despicable about the ads is not the content—which is inane—it’s the message it is sending on its [...]

2017-03-20T17:54:09-04:00By |Categories: Chatterbox...|Comments Off on Catholics United: Jesus Is Pro-Obama

Obama’s Advisory Group M.I.A.

It looks as though Sen. Barack Obama’s Catholic National Advisory Council is still missing in action. No word from his campaign has come forth providing evidence of its existence, and there is still no mention of the group on its website. Beliefnet spoke to one of the group’s members, an unemployed liberal, and she says she [...]

2011-09-01T20:51:02-04:00By |Categories: Chatterbox...|Comments Off on Obama’s Advisory Group M.I.A.

Archbishop Rebukes Obama Advisor

Archbishop Joseph Naumann of Kansas City has stated that Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius should not present herself for Holy Communion. The governor, a Catholic who sits on Sen. Barack Obama’s Catholic National Advisory Council, is a long-time supporter of abortion rights. As Archbishop Naumann recently wrote, Gov. Sebelius’ support for abortion can be seen in her recent [...]

2011-09-01T21:01:50-04:00By |Categories: Chatterbox...|Comments Off on Archbishop Rebukes Obama Advisor

Obama Gets it Right

Asked about a sculpture in which presidential candidate Barack Obama is depicted as Jesus, a spokesman for the senator had this to say: "While we respect First Amendment rights and don't think the artist was trying to be offensive, Senator Obama, as a rule, isn't a fan of art that offends religious sensibilities." Read the Associated [...]

2011-09-06T21:19:46-04:00By |Categories: Chatterbox...|Comments Off on Obama Gets it Right


The Catholic left is so deep in the tank for Obama that they are working publicly to undermine the bishops. First a little background. On March 2, Cardinal Timothy Dolan, speaking for the bishops, said that at a recent meeting between the bishops’ conference staff and the White House staff, the former were told by the [...]

2019-09-23T16:01:49-04:00By |Categories: Catalyst, Features|Tags: |Comments Off on SHILLING FOR OBAMA
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