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In April, Colm Toibin’s book, The Testament of Mary, became the subject of a Broadway play; it opened at the Walter Kerr Theatre. There is no question that Toibin is a gifted writer, but it wasn’t easy to see who was going to be drawn to this play, even if it ran for only 12 weeks. [...]

2017-03-20T17:51:17-04:00By |Categories: Catalyst, Features|Tags: |Comments Off on “TESTAMENT OF MARY” CLOSES


MEDIA RESPONSE TO VATICAN INQUIRY OF LCWR Once again, an internal matter of the Catholic Church became fodder for media voyeurs, pundits and talking heads when a number of dissident nuns became the subject of an apostolic visit, announced in April 2012. It was disturbing to read the way some of the Vatican’s critics were trying [...]


January Request magazine published a painting under the headline, "10 Things Jesus Christ and Michael Jackson have in Common," in which Michael Jackson was made to look like Jesus Christ, complete with halo. Among the ten things held in common were: "Oprah claims personal relationship to both;" "Suffer the little children to come unto me;" "Needed 12 [...]

2019-09-26T18:48:51-04:00By |Categories: 1995 Report on Anti-Catholicism, Annual Report on Anti-Catholicism|Comments Off on Media

The Secular Crusade Against Religion

by Dinesh D'Souza (Catalyst, 1/2007) This article is adapted from Dinesh D'Souza's new book The Enemy at Home: The Cultural Left and Its Responsibility for 9/11, just published by Doubleday.  Is Osama Bin Laden right when he alleges that America is a pagan society, the "leading power of the unbelievers"? Bin Laden and the Islamic radicals point [...]

2017-03-20T17:54:58-04:00By |Categories: Miscellaneous, White Papers and Essays|Comments Off on The Secular Crusade Against Religion


Catholic League president Bill Donohue discusses the lies that are still being told about Roe v. Wade: The hysterical reaction of pro-abortion politicians and activists to news that the Supreme Court may overturn Roe v. Wade is an index of just how passionate they are in making sure that unborn kids can be legally killed. Leading [...]

2022-05-03T13:59:06-04:00By |Categories: Latest News Releases|Tags: |Comments Off on LYING ABOUT ROE v. WADE


Following the leak of the draft decision on Roe v. Wade, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer issued a joint statement condemning those Justices who regard Roe to be wrongly decided. They said they "have lied to the United States Senate." They cited not a single lie. The truth is that they [...]

2022-06-30T11:56:50-04:00By |Categories: Catalyst, Features|Tags: |Comments Off on LYING ABOUT ROE V. WADE


Catholic League president Bill Donohue comments on the identity of St. Valentine: The first thing to know about St. Valentine is that he is no longer recognized as a saint by the Catholic Church. A martyr, yes, but a saint, no. He was canonized in 496 AD, over 200 years after he died, which was sometime [...]

2023-02-15T08:25:26-05:00By |Categories: Latest News Releases|Tags: |Comments Off on WHO EXACTLY WAS ST. VALENTINE?


Dinesh D'Souza This article is adapted from Dinesh D'Souza's new book The Enemy at Home: The Cultural Left and Its Responsibility for 9/11, just published by Doubleday.  Is Osama Bin Laden right when he alleges that America is a pagan society, the "leading power of the unbelievers"? Bin Laden and the Islamic radicals point to America's policy [...]

2017-03-20T17:54:57-04:00By |Categories: Catalyst, Essay|Tags: |Comments Off on THE SECULAR CRUSADE AGAINST RELIGION
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