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Testimony of William A. Donohue, Ph.D., President, Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights before the United States Civil Rights Commission on May 20, 1998 during a Public Hearing on Schools and Religion. I very much appreciate the opportunity to testify today on the subject of schools and religion. As president of the nation’s largest Catholic civil [...]

2017-03-20T17:58:15-04:00By |Categories: Catalyst, Essay|Tags: |Comments Off on RELIGIOUS EXPRESSION IN THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS


William A. Donohue For the past five-and-a-half years, I have had to reason by analogy with the media, educators, activists, artists and others, just to get my basic point across. Unfazed by anti-Catholicism, our adversaries generally respect the rights of gays, blacks and Jews. Even when they don’t, they generally know enough to keep their mouths [...]

2013-11-07T20:18:32-05:00By |Categories: Catalyst, From The President's Desk|Tags: |Comments Off on NO ONE CALLED THEM CENSORS

A Response to: The Vatican and the Holocaust, A Preliminary Report by the International Catholic-Jewish Commission

By Ronald Rychlak, Ph.D. (Our Sunday Visitor, 2000) In October 2000, the International Catholic-Jewish Historical Commission released to great publicity a “preliminary report” of its investigation into the actions of Pope Pius XII and the role of the Vatican in responding to the horror of the Nazi Holocaust during World War II. The committee‘s report was [...]

2020-11-24T14:31:29-05:00By |Categories: Pope Pius XII and the Holocaust|Comments Off on A Response to: The Vatican and the Holocaust, A Preliminary Report by the International Catholic-Jewish Commission


January 6 Tallahassee, FL — A Florida Supreme Court's 5-2 ruling ended the Opportunity Scholarship Program, which used public money to pay tuition for students who have left failing schools. The ruling ratified the anti-Catholic Blaine Amendment that was written into Florida's Constitution. The Blaine amendment comes out of the 19th century. Its purpose was to deny [...]

2017-03-20T17:55:02-04:00By |Categories: 2006 Report on Anti-Catholicism, Annual Report on Anti-Catholicism|Comments Off on Government

NARAL, Anti-Catholicism & the Roots of the Pro-Abortion Campaign

By Robert P. Lockwood (6/2001) The public debate over abortion was critical in a resurgent anti-Catholicism in the mid-1960s. With the cooperation of media, abortion became an ongoing battle waged in a war of words based on anti-Catholicism. The issue was quickly defined as Catholicism and its role in public life, rather than abortion itself. Pro-life [...]

2017-03-20T17:57:07-04:00By |Categories: Activist Groups, White Papers and Essays|Comments Off on NARAL, Anti-Catholicism & the Roots of the Pro-Abortion Campaign


Media Archbishop Dolan’s Critics Freak Out In November, following the election of Archbishop Timothy Dolan as the President of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, critics of the New York archbishop went ballistic. Here are a few examples: NPR was worried that Archbishop Dolan is “overtly conservative,” and Tim Rutten of the Los Angeles Times fretted about [...]

2019-09-25T16:54:37-04:00By |Categories: 2010 Report on Anti-Catholicism, Annual Report on Anti-Catholicism|Comments Off on Media


February The Academy Award nomination for Best Original Song was revoked from the film "Alone Yet Not Alone." The film and the song of the same title had a strong evangelical Christian theme, and the song was sung by a well known evangelical artist. The official reason for revoking the nomination for only the fourth time [...]


Catholic League president Bill Donohue comments on the "Equality Act," which is expected to be introduced this week: The Equality Act has been around for decades, under various names, but it always fails. It will again this year, even if it clears the House; Rep. Nancy Pelosi, the House Speaker, has said the legislation is a [...]

2019-03-15T18:45:32-04:00By |Categories: Latest News Releases|Tags: |Comments Off on AFFIRMATIVE ACTION FOR THE SEXUALLY CONFUSED?
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