Over the past several years, we have been asked on occasion whether the Catholic League objects to the long-running play, “Nunsense.” Our answer has been, no. As a matter of policy, we generally don’t make complaints when there is an element of doubt about a given illustration, movie, depiction, etc. Because we have doubts about “Nunsense” being objectionable, we haven’t said a word. Until now, that is.
When we recently learned that a “Nunsense” in drag was playing in New Orleans, we wondered what the creator of the play would say. We were disappointed. As it happens, an actor and director by the name of Jon J. Dendinger approached the play’s creator, Dan Goggin, of his desire to do an all-male “Nunsense.” Goggin, who had seen a foreign-production with a “gender-bender” cast, gave him the green light.
Goggin’s approval is disturbing. It suggests that he is interested in making more than a light-hearted statement. Our advice would be not to subsidize Goggin’s new game plan. Pass the word.