In the December Catalyst we mentioned that the bookstore chain, Borders, and a Milwaukee bookstore, Harry W. Schwartz, were pushing the anti-Catholic screed by John Cornwell, Hitler’s Pope.

Borders provided clarification saying it was the publisher, not anyone connected with the bookstore chain that wrote the glowing account. They had no plans to post the ad again.

We got a better response from A. David Schwartz of Harry W. Schwartz bookstore. This is exactly what he said in a letter responding to the complaint lodged by William Donohue: “Sir, I was appalled to see the prominent promotional place that was given to Hitler’s Pope in our November 2000 newsletter. That was a seriously misconceived placement, which brought a strenuous rebuke from me to my advertising staff. The newsletter’s time is past, but the lesson remains. Thank you for reinforcing my judgment.”

If you would like to thank Mr. Schwartz for being so straightforward, contact him at the bookstore, 219 N. Milwaukee St., Milwaukee, WI 53202.

We will continue to challenge anyone who seeks to promote this scurrilous attack on Pope Pius XII and welcome those who want to debate the issue.