Radio talk show host Gene Burns is no stranger to the Catholic League as we have had many opportunities to listen to his bigoted attacks against the Catholic Church. On November 10 he was at it again, this time acting as guest host for Ron Owens on KGO San Francisco.
On the program, Burns repeatedly attacked the Catholic Church for its “perverted policies.” “When pedophiles come out of the Roman Catholic Church,” he asked, “does it cause you any surprise? This is a church that has an unnatural policy of asking its clergy and its nuns to be asexual beings, to have no sex life at all. Well, that’s a perverted posture…The human animal likes sex.. If you have a policy, an official policy, which is itself perverted, does it come as any great surprise that you’ll attract a larger percentage of perverts than any other policies?”
Burns continued in this vein by stating that “The Catholic Church’s hands are filthy dirty on this subject…Why the code of silence all these decades?…Send all this to the Anti-Defamation League of the Catholic Church as well.” At the end of the program he sympathized with a woman caller who was also complaining about the role of women in the Catholic Church. Burns remarked that “This is a boys club,” adding that “They’re wanting the women of the Church to launder the linens and arrange the flowers while they’re diddling their daughters.”
The Catholic League will try to arrange a radio debate between Burns and Dr. Donohue.