Catholic League president Bill Donohue has news about the league’s Disney movie:

The Catholic League’s documentary on Disney, “Walt’s Disenchanted Kingdom,” was an entry in the L.A. International Short Film Festival; the U.S. was one of 22 nations to offer nominations. When I learned that we were nominated for six categories, I was elated. Now I am over the moon with the results. We won in four categories.

We won the award for “Best Documentary,” “Best Editing,” “Best Sound Design,” and received Honorable Mention for “Best Trailer.”

In each category, there were 3-5 nominations. Importantly, the awards we won for editing, trailer production and sound design were not just for documentaries—they were judged the best of all films submitted to the international festival.

While the idea for the movie, and the selection of most cast members and some copy material were mine, the person who put it all together is Jason Killian Meath. He deserves the credit for making this a first-class production. Jason and I are the executive producers.

Our movie has also been selected as a nominee for “Best Documentary” and “Best Poster Design” at The Prisma Film Festival in Rome, Italy;  and we are in contention in several other film festivals as well.

Moreover, we are delighted to report that our movie is doing extremely well on Amazon Prime, doubling or tripling the number of people who view it each week. It is also available at SalemNow, Google, FrontPage, YouTube and the Catholic League’s website. DVDs can be bought—see our website.

We did this movie because we wanted to alert Americans as to what has happened to this once family-friendly giant. Disney continues to do some good work, but that is overridden by its insistence on siding with those who are bent on sexualizing children. If only Disney would consistently treat children as children, no one would complain.