Catholic League president Bill Donohue addresses a Catholics for Choice workshop scheduled for April 28 at Planned Parenthood of Collier County, Florida:
Catholics for Choice has twice been condemned by the bishops’ conference as a fraud—there is nothing Catholic about it. Indeed, it has never raised as much as a dime from practicing Catholics, relying almost exclusively on donations from the Ford Foundation and other establishment groups. Its agenda—to champion child abuse in the womb—is anything but Catholic. But it is fitting that Planned Parenthood, the captain of the abortion industry, is hosting this workshop.
The Diocese of Venice in Florida has it exactly right when it declares that this event is “an attempt to distort Catholic teaching to advance a particular agenda that is offensive to Catholics and like-minded people of good will.” The central message of Catholics for Choice—”you can be prochoice and Catholic”—carries as much credibility as saying you can be pro-genocide and Catholic.
To say, as they are advertising, that “abortion can be a moral choice,” is to say that the intentional killing of innocent human life can be morally justified. It cannot be, notwithstanding the positions of Catholics for Choice and Planned Parenthood, both of which have a track record that is as deceitful as it is bloody.