“Steve Malzberg Show”
Malzberg | Bill Donohue discusses Pope Francis' comments about Trump suggesting he's not a Christian
Malzberg | Bill Donohue discusses Pope Francis' comments about Trump suggesting he's not a Christian
President of the Catholic League Bill Donohue discusses his Newsmax article on Trump's appeal with CNN's Michael Smerconish.
"Alan Colmes vs. Bill Donohue: Is the Pope too liberal?" Bill Donohue appeared on "The Alan Colmes Show" to discuss the pope's statements on such topics as annulment and gay marriage, and to remind listeners who look at things in an American context that Pope Francis is dealing with a global church.
"Is the Pope Too Liberal?" Rick Hinshaw discusses the leadership style of Pope Francis on Newsmax TV's "Daily Wrap" and reminds people to focus on exactly what the pope is saying, not on what is being interpreted by his listeners.
"What Catholics Really Believe, Bill Donohue with Raymond Arroyo" On Raymond Arroyo's "The World Over Live," Bill discussed the findings of the Catholic League-Polling Company's new survey of Catholics.
"Bill Donahue gives the Catholic League's Perspective on the Firing of Margie Winters" On "The Michael Smerconish Program" Bill defended the firing of Margie Winters, the former director of religious education at an independent Catholic school who was in a lesbian "marriage."
Bill Donohue joins Steve to discuss everything from Bruce Jenner glorification, Pam Geller and Bigoted Celebrities.
Doug Keck with Bill Donohue Catholic League President Bill Donohue shows how the Catholic Church’s teachings are an effective guide to a healthy, happy lifestyles in his new book, “The Catholic Advantage.” Hosted by Doug Keck. Part 1 of 2.
"Should Pope Francis be issuing political messages?" Bill discusses Pope Francis and politics.
Bill discusses the pope and Palestine.