White Papers and Essays

Twilight of the Scandal

By |2019-09-27T17:02:33-04:00December 23rd, 2006|Categories: The Sex Abuse Scandal, White Papers and Essays|

by Kiera McCaffrey (Catalyst 12/2006) The Catholic League would never defend the indefensible. That is why we praised the media for putting the spotlight on the Church's sex-abuse scandal in 2002. Without journalists breaking the story, the Church may have been slower to clean house and a greater number of adolescents may have been harmed. Similarly, [...]

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Pius XII and Yad Vashem

By |2019-09-27T17:03:10-04:00October 22nd, 2006|Categories: The Church and the Holocaust, White Papers and Essays|

by Sister Margherita Marchione, Ph.D. (Catalyst 10/2006) Sister Margherita Marchione is the author of several books on Pope Pius XII, the latest being Crusade of Charity: Pius XII And POW's 1939-1945. Below the portrait of Pope Pius XII in the Israeli Holocaust Memorial, Yad Vashem, there is a statement which is contrary to the truth and is [...]

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Education Myths

By |2019-09-27T17:04:34-04:00September 19th, 2006|Categories: Education, White Papers and Essays|

by Jay P. Greene (Catalyst, 9/2006) The following article is an excerpt from a longer piece that appeared in the July/August edition of The American Enterprise (the flagship publication of the American Enterprise Institute) titled, "Education Myths" (Greene has published a book by that name). Greene, who runs the Department of Education Reform at the University of Arkansas, [...]

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Patrick M. Garry: Wrestling with God: The Courts’ Tortuous Treatment of Religion

By |2019-09-27T17:05:04-04:00July 19th, 2006|Categories: Church and State, White Papers and Essays|

by William Donohue (Catalyst, 7/2006) Every now and then, I read a book I wish I had written. Such a book is Patrick M. Garry's Wrestling with God: The Courts' Tortuous Treatment of Religion. For those interested in how the courts have twisted the First Amendment's guarantee of religious liberty into an unseemly mess, this is [...]

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Patrick M. Garry: Wrestling with God: The Courts’ Tortuous Treatment of Religion

By |2019-09-27T17:05:37-04:00July 19th, 2006|Categories: Book Reviews, White Papers and Essays|

By William A. Donohue “I spent twenty years looking for a government that I could overthrow without being thrown in jail. I finally found one in the Catholic church.” That is how Frances Kissling, the president of Catholics for a Free Choice (CFFC), explained her mission to a reporter from the magazine, Mother Jones. As the [...]

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Three Jews and a Pope

By |2017-03-20T17:55:15-04:00June 22nd, 2006|Categories: The Church and the Holocaust, White Papers and Essays|

by Sister Margherita Marchione, Ph.D. (Catalyst, 6/2006) Recently, a Jewish group invited me to speak. When I mentioned that my topic would be Pope  Pius XII, I was informed that it would not suit their needs: “My chairman thought it would open up the wounds of a few holocaust survivors in our group who lost mothers, fathers, [...]

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Kevin Phillips: American Theocracy: The Peril and Politics of Radical Religion, Oil, and Borrowed Money in the 21stCentury

By |2019-09-27T17:06:23-04:00June 19th, 2006|Categories: Book Reviews, White Papers and Essays|

by William Donohue (Catalyst, June 2006) American Theocracy: The Peril and Politics of Radical Religion, Oil, and Borrowed Money in the 21stCentury   by Kevin Phillips  Viking, 480 pp., $26.95   Remember when presidential candidate George W. Bush was asked in 1999 to name his favorite philosopher, and he named Jesus? For the secularists—those men and women who [...]

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Revisiting the Pius War

By |2017-03-20T17:55:21-04:00April 22nd, 2006|Categories: The Church and the Holocaust, White Papers and Essays|

by Eugene J. Fisher (Catalyst 4/2006) Patrick J. Gallo, editor, Pius XII, the Holocaust and the Revisionists: Essays. Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Co, 2006. 218 pages. PB. NP. Sister Margherita Marchione, Crusade of Charity: Pius XII and POW's(1939-1945). New York: Paulist Press, 2006. 284 pages. Ronald J. Rychlak, Righteous Gentiles: How Pius XII and the Catholic Church saved Half [...]

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Joseph A. Varacalli: The Catholic Experience in America

By |2017-03-20T17:55:21-04:00April 19th, 2006|Categories: Book Reviews, White Papers and Essays|

by Kenneth D. Whitehead (4/2006)   The Catholic Experience in America by Joseph A. Varacalli Greenwood Publishing Group, 12-30-05  The Greenwood Press is currently publishing a valuable series of books on "The American Religious Experience." The books in the series are intended to be basic reference books, possibly even textbooks, on the subjects they cover. At the [...]

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