
Expelling God from the University

By |2017-03-20T17:54:52-04:00May 19th, 2007|Categories: Education, White Papers and Essays|

David French May, 2007 Emily Brooker is a recent honors graduate in social work from Missouri State University. A bright and attractive young woman, she has a ready smile, a heart for serving the poor, and an enduring stain on an otherwise sterling academic record. University of Florida student Christine Miller is one of the most [...]

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Education Myths

By |2019-09-27T17:04:34-04:00September 19th, 2006|Categories: Education, White Papers and Essays|

by Jay P. Greene (Catalyst, 9/2006) The following article is an excerpt from a longer piece that appeared in the July/August edition of The American Enterprise (the flagship publication of the American Enterprise Institute) titled, "Education Myths" (Greene has published a book by that name). Greene, who runs the Department of Education Reform at the University of Arkansas, [...]

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An Interview with Sol Stern

By |2019-09-27T17:31:18-04:00September 19th, 2003|Categories: Education, White Papers and Essays|

author of Breaking Free: Public School Lessons and the Imperative of School Choice by Louis J. Giovino (Catalyst 9/2003) Louis Giovino, director of communications, recently interviewed Sol Stern, author ofBreaking Free: Public School Lessons and the Imperative of School Choice(Encounter Books). Here is an excerpt from their exchange: Louis Giovino: Can you talk about your background? Sol [...]

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Inside the Belly of the Beast: Catholic Studies at Public Colleges and Universities

By |2017-03-20T17:56:42-04:00September 19th, 2002|Categories: Education, White Papers and Essays|

by Joseph A. Varacalli (Catalyst 9/2002) Today, institutions of higher education are major generators of socially dominant ideas, images, and fashions. As sociologists might say, they are major "agents of socialization." Empirically speaking, public higher education is almost exclusively—at least in the humanities and social sciences—an agent for the promotion of politically left-wing secular thought. It [...]

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Anti-Catholicism and the History of Catholic School Funding

By |2017-03-20T17:56:51-04:00February 19th, 2002|Categories: Education, White Papers and Essays|

by Robert P. Lockwood (2/2000) The debate over the use of public funds to assist in the education of Catholic schoolchildren has a long – and sometimes violent – history in the United States. While Catholics themselves have been divided on the necessity of such assistance and where it might lead, the issue itself has been [...]

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Religious Liberty and the Public Schools

By |2017-03-20T17:57:37-04:00October 19th, 1999|Categories: Education, White Papers and Essays|

by Robert P. George (Catalyst 10/1999) The following is an edited version of a statement made by Robert P. George before he left his post on the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights last year. It is an important commentary on the state of religious liberty in our public schools and it is one that deserves a [...]

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Momentum Building for School Choice

By |2017-03-20T17:58:05-04:00September 19th, 1998|Categories: Education, White Papers and Essays|

* by Rick Hinshaw (Catalyst 9/1998) "Courts no longer see religion as an allergen in the body politic." That's how Kevin Hasson, president of the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty, viewed the June 10 ruling by the Wisconsin Supreme Court upholding inclusion of religious schools in Milwaukee's school voucher program. Some might see such exuberance as [...]

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Religious Expression in the Public Schools: Testimony before the U.S. Civil Rights Commission

By |2017-03-20T17:58:19-04:00May 20th, 1998|Categories: Education, White Papers and Essays|

by William A. Donohue (5/20/1998) Testimony of William A. Donohue, Ph.D., President, Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights before the United States Civil Rights Commission on May 20, 1998 during a Public Hearing on Schools and Religion. I very much appreciate the opportunity to testify today on the subject of schools and religion. As president of [...]

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