In the News

Jefferson statue’s fate unclear after vote to remove it from N.Y.’s City Hall

By |2021-10-20T15:06:04-04:00October 20th, 2021|Categories: In the News|

Bill In The News (Washington Times): Catholic League president Bill Donohue comments on "the future... of a statue of Thomas Jefferson... after New York City officials voted unanimously to remove it from City Hall’s legislative chambers." READ MORE HERE

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Catholic League says Biden’s pick to be Vatican ambassador is ‘at odds’ with Church’s teachings because he is ‘pro life’ and supports gay marriage

By |2021-10-20T12:14:37-04:00October 15th, 2021|Categories: In the News|

Bill In The News (Daily Mail): Catholic League president Bill Donohue condemns "President Biden's pick as U.S. ambassador to the Vatican, describing former Democratic Sen. Joe Donnelly as a 'rogue Catholic' for his stance on abortion and gay marriage." READ MORE HERE

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Biden’s pick for Vatican ambassador is at odds with Catholic teachings, watchdog group says

By |2021-10-18T10:42:34-04:00October 15th, 2021|Categories: In the News|

Bill In The News (Washington Times): “The guy is oppositional to the Catholic Church on every major moral teaching,” Mr. Donohue said. “For him to represent the United States at the Vatican is a disgrace.” Mr. Donnelly did not immediately respond to attempts by The Times to reach him for comment Friday. READ MORE HERE...

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Women’s March Axes Coat Hangers, Handmaid’s Tale Costumes at Rally

By |2021-10-04T10:51:09-04:00October 1st, 2021|Categories: In the News|

Bill In The News (BREITBART): Catholic League President Bill Donohue wrote Thursday about the ban on coat hangers with the blame placed on the pro-life community: According to the organizers of this year’s Women’s March on Washington, there is nothing dangerous, scary or harmful about a pregnant woman inserting a wire hanger into her vagina to kill [...]

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Pediatricians File Lawsuit Against Biden’s Mandate that Doctors Perform Transgender Procedures on Children

By |2021-08-30T11:38:04-04:00August 30th, 2021|Categories: In the News|

Bill In The News (Breitbart): Catholic League president Bill Donohue calls the Biden mandate forcing doctors to preform sex transitions "essentially 'a declaration of war on Catholic doctors and hospitals.'" READ MORE HERE

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Catholic League President Unloads on Anti-Catholic Film, Church Attacks, Biden — ‘Attack on Western Civilization’

By |2021-07-29T13:27:47-04:00July 29th, 2021|Categories: In the News|

Bill In The News (Breitbart): Catholic League president Bill Donohue blasts "the recent anti-Catholic Bendetta film, declaring the film’s goals as aligned with those of radical groups Antifa and Black Lives Matter (BLM) in their aims to undermine Western civilization, while criticizing President Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi for their pro-abortion stances." READ MORE HERE

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Vocal Point-Dr. Bill Donohue

By |2021-07-26T14:33:29-04:00July 26th, 2021|Categories: In the News|

Bill in the news (Vocal Point): Dr. William Donohue joins Jerry Newcombe on Vocal Point to discuss the culture wars in America, including cancel culture, the war on America as founded, why reparations are a bad idea.... To listen click here.

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