
Response to Thistlethwaite

By |2017-03-20T17:54:46-04:00July 18th, 2007|Categories: Chatterbox...|

Bill Donohue sent the letter below to Susan Brooks Thistlethwaite, president of the Chicago Theological Seminary: July 18, 2007 Susan Brooks Thistlethwaite President, Chicago Theological Seminary 5757 S. University Avenue Chicago, IL 60637 Dear Ms. Thistlethwaite: I read with interest your lecture to the Catholic Church in the Washington Post blog site. As someone who belongs [...]

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Robertson Misses the Mark on Celibacy

By |2011-09-06T19:52:28-04:00July 17th, 2007|Categories: Chatterbox...|

Pat Robertson, host of "The 700 Club," had this to say yesterday about sex abuse by Catholic priests: "I'm not Catholic so I'm hardly one to advise the Church, but I do think the policy of celibacy leads to this kind of behavior, and one day they're going to have to re-evaluate it." Studies tell us, [...]

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Red Flag?

By |2011-09-06T19:50:44-04:00July 17th, 2007|Categories: Chatterbox...|

A recent Associated Press piece examined 16 presidential candidates and those donating to their campaigns. The article listed information such as each politician’s total receipts to date, total spending, etc. The AP also listed individual donors who are “of note.” Of the 16, only Sam Brownback (arguably the most “Catholic” of the candidates) was reported as having received [...]

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Bill Donohue Reacts to the Controversy Surrounding the Latin Mass

By |2011-09-07T15:13:36-04:00July 11th, 2007|Categories: Chatterbox...|

Yesterday morning, Bill Donohue appeared on NBC’s “Today” to discuss the pope’s recent decree allowing wider celebration of the Latin Mass. Below is a transcript of the segment, with Donohue’s comment in bold. When Pope Benedict decided to revive the Latin Mass he set off a firestorm of controversy and may have reopened a rift between [...]

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Robin Williams Defends Catholic Bashing

By |2011-09-07T15:11:31-04:00June 29th, 2007|Categories: Chatterbox...|

Asked yesterday by "Today" show host Meredith Vieira about his recent bigoted jokes concerning Catholic priests, Robin Williams expressed no remorse for labeling all Catholic priests as pedophiles. (He has acknowledged that he wouldn't treat other religions the same way for fear of being blown up.) Williams defended his unfair stereotyping of priests saying, "It's my job [...]

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University of Michigan-Dearborn: Regents Board Contacted

By |2011-09-07T15:09:57-04:00June 28th, 2007|Categories: Chatterbox...|

In response to a letter from the Catholic League regarding the University of Michigan-Dearborn using $25,000 of student fees to install footbaths for use by Muslims students, many legislators suggested that the board of regents is best able to account for how such money is spent. Bill Donohue sent the following letter to members of the University of [...]

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Leno’s Obsession Continues

By |2011-09-07T15:07:48-04:00June 22nd, 2007|Categories: Chatterbox...|

For the second day in a row, NBC’s Jay Leno—who frequently tars all priests with the pedophile brush—took a shot at the Catholic clergy. In his opening monologue on June 21 airing of “The Tonight Show,” Leno joked: “In Austin, Texas, a 61-year-old priest has been arrested after he left rehab. This priest leaves rehab, gets drunk [...]

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“Constantine’s Sword” Cinematic Debut

By |2011-09-07T14:55:13-04:00June 22nd, 2007|Categories: Chatterbox...|

On June 24, a documentary based on the John Carroll book, “Constantine’s Sword,” will debut at the Los Angeles Film Festival. It is sure to warm the heart of all anti-Catholic bigots. Carroll is an embittered ex-priest who has spent his adult life railing against the Catholic Church. If the film version is anything like the [...]

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Why isn’t this Big News?

By |2011-09-07T14:53:52-04:00June 21st, 2007|Categories: Chatterbox...|

Over the weekend, the New York Times ran an Associated Press story called “Data Shed Light on Child Sexual Abuse by Protestant Clergy.” According to the piece, “the three companies that insure a majority of Protestant churches say they typically receive upward of 260 reports a year of children younger than 18 being sexually abused by members of [...]

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Bashing the Clergy: the “Daily Show” and Jay Leno

By |2017-03-20T17:54:48-04:00June 21st, 2007|Categories: Chatterbox...|

When the Vatican’s Renato Cardinal Martino released “Guidelines for Pastoral Care of the Road,” or the “10 Commandments of Driving,” a number of news outlets took a light-hearted look at the Cardinal’s words. While playful, many of these stories managed to be respectful at the same time. For instance, on Tuesday night, CNN responded to the [...]

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