
We Have an Idea for “Cold Case”

By |2011-09-06T18:41:20-04:00October 3rd, 2007|Categories: Chatterbox...|

The September 30 episode of the CBS show, “Cold Case,” featured sexually active Christian teens enrolled in an abstinence program. In the show, a trampy girl was stoned to death for breaking her chastity vow. To top it off, the Jerry Bruckheimer production depicted a minister preaching the virtues of abstinence while masturbating. We have an [...]

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Sitcom Sure not to Alienate Muslims

By |2011-09-06T18:42:08-04:00October 1st, 2007|Categories: Chatterbox...|

The CW television network premieres a new sitcom, “Aliens in America,” tonight. The show is about a family called the Tolchucks that takes in a Pakistani Muslim foreign exchange student. While the Tolchucks are portrayed as slightly dysfunctional, the Muslim boy is friendly, helpful and devout—a real joy to be around. The contrast between the foreign [...]

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Pelosi’s Response is Beyond Belief

By |2017-03-20T17:54:44-04:00September 28th, 2007|Categories: Chatterbox...|

According to this article from Cybercast News Service (CNS News), House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was asked about the poster for the Folsom Street Fair (it depicts the Last Supper with men in S&M outfits replacing Christ and the apostles and sex toys replacing the Eucharistic) she responded as follows. Her response, and the full question asked by the [...]

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White House Press Secretary Drops the Ball

By |2017-03-20T17:54:44-04:00September 28th, 2007|Categories: Chatterbox...|

White House Press Secretary Dana Perino dropped the ball today when asked by Baltimore reporter Les Kinsolving to comment on the Miller boycott. Kinsolving:  “The President does not believe that the First Amendment prohibits him from speaking out against the Miller Brewing Company’s widely reported financing of an obscene parody of ‘Jesus Christ’s Last Supper’ in [...]

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“Time’s” Ignorance is Astonishing

By |2011-09-06T18:48:30-04:00September 26th, 2007|Categories: Chatterbox...|

Click here to read Father Jonathan Morris's response to the Time magazine article suggesting that Pope John Paul II was euthanized. Father Morris brands the piece "blatantly irresponsible" and points out "the author's false statements about what the Catholic Church teaches regarding end-of-life care."

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Italian Doctor Claims JPII Was Euthanized–Update

By |2011-09-06T18:45:57-04:00September 26th, 2007|Categories: Chatterbox...|

According to the Associated Press, the Italian doctor who suggested Pope John Paul II was euthanized "acknowledged she didn't have access to John Paul's medical records." Despite this, and other errors in her argument that have been countered by the Vatican, the doctor continued to allege that the pontiff's death was the result of assisted suicide. [...]

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Aretakis Fined for Frivolous Lawsuit

By |2011-09-06T18:50:58-04:00September 20th, 2007|Categories: Chatterbox...|

John Aretakis, a trial lawyer who specializes in suing the Catholic Church, has been fined by a federal judge for a frivolous lawsuit. Click here to read a full account in the North Country Gazette.

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“Times Herald-Record” Insults Concerned Christian Parents

By |2011-09-06T18:54:30-04:00September 19th, 2007|Categories: Chatterbox...|

Public school calendars in New York's Monroe-Woodbury school district list two Jewish holidays, but no Christian holidays. In response to requests by Christian parents for equal representation, the local Times Herald-Record gave "Jeers" to "some parents with not enough to keep them busy." Bill Donohue responded to the paper with the letter below: Dear Letters Editor: No wonder [...]

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Poor Madonna—No One Wants Her

By |2011-09-06T18:55:57-04:00September 17th, 2007|Categories: Chatterbox...|

From today’s Jerusalem Post: "Orthodox teachers of Kabbala reacted with disdain Sunday to pop idol Madonna's Rosh Hashana visit in Israel, during which she took part in a study session of Judaism's most esoteric texts. "'It is a known fact in Kabbala that impurity and evil are inherently attracted to sanctity,' said a director of one of [...]

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Same Old Story–Priests Slammed Again

By |2011-09-06T18:59:01-04:00September 13th, 2007|Categories: Chatterbox...|

On September 15, raunchy talk-show host Jerry Springer will kick off the 13th season of Fox’s “MADtv” by introducing a series of some of the show’s past comedy skits.  One such segment lampooned the Catholic priesthood’s sex abuse scandals. While most people would expect a program like “MADtv” to cause offense on a frequent basis, a [...]

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