This cartoon by Owen Dunne (syndicated, 12-6-04) portrays the priest as having a sexually deviant motive for asking a young male basketball player to take off his shirt during the game. The implication is that priests are pedophiles.
This cartoon by David Horsey (Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 4-27-04) unfairly suggests that the same Catholic Church that places sanctions on pro-abortion politicians has no problems with Catholics who favor the death penalty, war and sweat shops.
This cartoon (New York Post, 4-25-04) suggests that Catholic officials would go easy on alleged child molester Michael Jackson because of their tolerance for such abuse.
This cartoon by Mike Peters (Dayton Daily News, 4-14-04) paints the Catholic Church as a hypocritical institution that sanctions pedophilia while opposing abortion.
This cartoon by Mike Ritter (St. Augustine Record, 5-5-04) makes a vicious sexual statement about a Vatican official who is about to give Communion to a pro-abortion, pro-gay rights politician.
This cartoon by Ward Sutton (Village Voice, 5-22-04) makes a blasphemous statement about the Eucharist, depicts the Church as being corrupt and suggests that all priests are child abusers.
This cartoon by Don Wright (Palm Beach Post, 4-29-04), indicts the Catholic Church for allegedly tolerating pedophilia while opposing abortion.
This cartoon by Lloyd Dangle ran in the San Francisco edition of the Metro in June. It shows a neighborhood watch team taking steps to protect children from priests who live nearby; the implication is that all priests are child abusers.
This cartoon by Lyle Lahey ran in the Door County Advocate (6-22-04). It shamelessly suggests that Catholic bishops do not consider pedophile priests to have gravely sinned the way pro-abortion Catholic politicians have.