Catholic League president William Donohue delivered the following letter today to ABC Sports director Howard Katz:

Mr. Howard Katz
Executive Director, ABC Sports
ABC Television Network
47 W. 66th Street
New York, NY 10023

Dear Mr. Katz:

I am requesting that you cancel the scheduled performance of Penn & Teller during the pre-game segment of the Super Bowl.  The reason I am making this request has to do with the incredibly anti-Christian statement made by these two men on January 16.  In front of 400 persons at the World Magic Seminar held at the Las Vegas Riviera, a nearly-naked Teller appeared on stage dressed as Christ on a full-sized cross.  Then a midget dressed as an angel performed a simulated sex act on him.  Penn unveiled the scene by pulling away a “Shroud of Turin” that covered the cross.

It would be much appreciated if ABC Sports were to now say that such conduct will not be rewarded by ABC and that therefore the scheduled appearance of Penn & Teller at the Super Bowl has been cancelled.

Thank you for your consideration.


William A. Donohue, Ph.D.