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Philip Jenkins: Pedophiles and Priests

by William A. Donohue (Catalyst 5/1996) The issue of pedophile priests has been the source of much discussion both in and out of the Catholic community. Like all incendiary issues, it has been the subject of heated analysis, much of it irrationally based. The good news is that there is finally a book that examines the [...]

2017-03-20T17:59:08-04:00By |Categories: Book Reviews, White Papers and Essays|Comments Off on Philip Jenkins: Pedophiles and Priests


William A. Donohue The issue of pedophile priests has been the source of much discussion both in and out of the Catholic community. Like all incendiary issues, it has been the subject of heated analysis, much of it irrationally based. The good news is that there is finally a book that examines the issue in a [...]

2017-03-20T17:59:09-04:00By |Categories: Book Review, Catalyst|Tags: |Comments Off on A REVIEW ESSAY OF PHILIP JENKINS’ PEDOPHILES AND PRIESTS


The French playwright Jean Genet penned “Saintete” in the 1950s and it is now being performed in New York as “Elle.”  The play recently opened at the Zipper, an off-Broadway site, and will close July 31.  The play thrashes the papacy in particular and Catholicism in general.  Catholic League president William Donohue took note of the [...]

2012-10-12T20:24:47-04:00By |Categories: Latest News Releases|Tags: |Comments Off on THE PEDOPHILE AS HERO: JEAN GENET’S “ELLE” COMES TO NEW YORK


Bill Donohue raises questions about media interest in allegations that the U.S. Ambassador to Belgium was involved in sexual crimes: There has been a rash of stories about U.S. State Department employees taking drugs and cavorting with prostitutes. In addition, the Ambassador to Belgium, Howard Gutman, was accused of soliciting prostitutes and minor children. While all [...]

2019-09-19T18:52:54-04:00By |Categories: Latest News Releases|Tags: |Comments Off on ACCUSED AMB. PEDOPHILE STORY DIES

A Grievous Error in Judge Joseph LaPlante’s Court

POSTED BY FR. GORDON J. MACRAE ON JUNE 22, 2016 Editor’s Note: The following is a guest post by Ryan A. MacDonald, author of “The Trial of Father MacRae: A Conspiracy of Fraud.” I am not here to cast Donald Trump-like aspersions upon a judge whose decision I simply do not like. I have no doubt [...]

2022-12-01T14:52:19-05:00By |Comments Off on A Grievous Error in Judge Joseph LaPlante’s Court


  Books February Broadway Books released Karl Shaw's 5 People Who Died During Sex And 100 Other Terribly Tasteless Lists, which contained numerous dubious statements about various Catholic popes. Among the claims: John XXIII was a "former pirate who obtained the papacy through force of arms" in 1410 (he actually reigned from 1958 to 1963); Alexander VI [...]

2019-09-25T18:30:41-04:00By |Categories: 2007 Report on Anti-Catholicism, Annual Report on Anti-Catholicism|Comments Off on Media


October 2 Roseburg, OR – Here is what Chris Harper-Mercer said to his victims just before he killed them at Umpqua Community College: "Are you Christian?" After they stood up he said, "Good, because you're Christian, you are going to see God in just about one second." He then shot them. Another eyewitness account said that [...]


Movies | Newspapers | Periodicals | Radio | Television |Internet | Books MOVIES February Miramax, the movie production house owned by Disney, scheduled the film "40 Days and 40 Nights" for release. Actor Josh Hartnett plays a Catholic who pledges to give up sex for Lent but has his will tested by his ex-girlfriend. Because the movie was scheduled to open during Lent (March 1), William Donohue [...]

2019-09-26T15:35:24-04:00By |Categories: 2002 Report on Anti-Catholicism, Annual Report on Anti-Catholicism|Comments Off on Media
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