There is a ballot initiative in New York State this November that is downright dangerous.

Bill Donohue wrote a lengthy rebuttal and it is now available online in English and Spanish.

 It is also published in booklet form, in both languages. We are doing a mass mailing to our allies across the state. Most will get a digital copy; they can print it in booklet form if they have Adobe.

It is being widely distributed in the state not only to Catholics, but to non-Catholics as well. We will mail the booklet to approximately 1,200 Catholics, 120 Hispanic groups, 120 Jewish groups, 100 Muslim groups and 120 conservative groups.

Thanks to the support of New York Archbishop Timothy Cardinal Dolan it is being placed in the hands of all New York bishops and many others.

This should be of interest to non-New Yorkers as well. If these activists succeed with their extremist agenda in New York, they will bring their proposal to other states.

On Election Day, November 5, voters in New York State will cast their ballot for Proposition One. It would amend section 11 of article 1 of the New York State Constitution in two ways: Paragraph A would offer equal protection before the law to eleven new demographic categories;  Paragraph B would revise the legal meaning of discrimination.

Prop One is being promoted as a pro-equality initiative. In reality, it is a huge stealth campaign. Those behind Prop One have a very different agenda. Their real goal is to undermine parental rights, eviscerate religious liberty and legalize selective discrimination.

Currently, the New York State Constitution says that no one can be subjected to discrimination on the basis of race, color, creed or religion. Paragraph A of Prop One would add the following demographic categories: age, sex, gender identity, gender expression, and reproductive healthcare and autonomy. Paragraph B justifies reverse discrimination. The implications are dramatic.

Please read our assessment of Prop One. And please alert your family and friends to it. It the most deceitful and dangerous initiative ever introduced. It needs to be defeated.