This is the article that appeared in the July/August 2024 edition of Catalyst, our monthly journal. The date that prints out reflects the day that it was uploaded to our website. For a more accurate date of when the article was first published, check out the news release, here.

An anti-Christian animus has been evident in the Biden administration. Traditional Catholics have been spied on, abortion protesters have been treated like violent thugs, etc. Now we have two new developments.

Last year, a 28-year-old female who considered herself to be a male killed six people at a Christian school in Nashville, Tennessee. She kept a journal detailing her thoughts about a range of things, including her negative sentiments about her Christian parents and the Christian school where the shooting took place (she once attended the school).

The police apparently wanted to release the manifesto, but the FBI intervened and stopped it. Nonetheless, some portions of it made their way to print. What Christians want to know is whether the woman was motivated by hatred or revenge, and whether she was influenced by others who shared her ideas.

Bill Donohue wrote to Rep. James Comer, Chairman of the Committee on Oversight and Accountability, asking him to hold the FBI accountable. Why are they resisting the release of her manifesto? What is it that they don’t want us to know?

Donohue also wrote to Homeland Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas asking about documents that were made public concerning national security threats. An advisory group was formed within his department to offer suggestions about who might be a domestic terrorist. That’s a good thing. But it is not a good thing when noble criteria are now considered troublesome.

On the list of would-be extremists and domestic terrorists are those who served in the military, are religious and who support Donald Trump. As Donohue pointed out, that could include him (he never endorsed Trump but the former president has spoken warmly about him).

What’s going on? Why is the FBI apparently covering up for a transgender mass shooter who harbored a deep animus against Christians? Why is the Department of Homeland Security worried about people like Donohue but not Antifa, Black Lives Matter and violent protesters who take over college campuses and praise Hitler and Hamas?

Why is the president, who identifies as a “devout Catholic,” allowing this to happen? Why are Christians and patriotic Americans under fire? Why are the media not reporting on this story?

To read Donohue’s letters on these issues, see pp. 4-5. He knows that if he says nothing, nothing will be done. But he also knows that if he says something—and it gets into the right hands—it might result in some needed changes.

At the very least, it’s our job to let our adversaries know that we are keeping tabs on them, informing the public of what they are doing.

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