A couple of weeks ago, a recent episode of “The Mindy Project,” a Fox show, opened with an implied sex scene involving Dr. Mindy Lahiri (played by Mindy Kaling) and Danny Castellano (played by Chris Messina); it was titled, “I Slipped!” The room was dark and there was moaning. Here is how the script unfurled:

Mindy: “Oh my God, Danny, this is heaven. Wait! Danny, Danny, that doesn’t go there!”

Danny: “I slipped!”

After the title sequence, the two characters were shown in an office arguing about the sexual encounter from the night before. Mindy was upset with what Danny did. Danny insisted it was a mistake. It was implied that Danny attempted anal sex.

Mindy: “Okay, so you’re innocent? You had no intent?”

Danny: “Of course no intent. I’m Catholic. Even if I think about that…”

Mindy: “They promote you to Cardinal?”

Danny: “Hey! Hey! That is all over. It’s over. Pope Frank is on the case.”

Danny: “Can we please just go talk about this in your office, please?”

Mindy: “I don’t know, Danny, because my office only has one entrance and I don’t know if that’s enough for you anymore.”

Bill Donohue offered his thoughts on this episode:

Binge drinking, like anal sex, is potentially lethal, but Hollywood only has an interest in promoting the latter. That’s because of the large number of homosexual writers who work there. Catholics would appreciate it, however, if they would keep their dark secrets in the closet, where they belong.