In the September Catalyst, we ran a front-page story on a physician who was punished for blowing the whistle on child sexual abuse at the Spirit Lake Indian Reservation in North Dakota. Fortunately, Dr. Michael R. Tilus was quickly treated with justice following a Catholic League call for a congressional investigation. Nonetheless, we wanted to know what was going to happen to the person who sought to sanction Dr. Tilus.

Bill Donohue has not received a reply from Dr. Yvette Roubideaux about this matter. We need to know whether Dr. Candelaria Martin, the person who allegedly sought to punish Dr. Tilus, has been disciplined; after all, these people are on the public payroll.

Dr. Roubideaux’s address is: Director, Indian Health Service, The Reyes Building, 801 Thompson Ave., Ste. 400, Rockville, MD 20852. We feel confident that she would like to hear from you.