In a recent edition of Legal Times, William Donohue was quoted as saying, “From its inception, Catholics for a Free Choice has misrepresented itself as a Catholic organization. To be a Catholic and lobby for abortion is as incongruous as it would be for a Catholic to lobby for slavery.” Well, not all Catholics agree.
In the August edition of Call to Action’s newsletter, ChurchWatch, it offered a “Correction” from its May cover story. It “neglected to credit Catholics for a Free Choice by name as the leading faith-based organization challenging Vatican views, and the lead group in the campaign to downgrade the Vatican’s special U.N. status as a “nonmember state permanent observer.” Call to Action is a Catholic dissident organization.
In the September 3 edition of the National Catholic Reporter (NCR), a Catholic dissident newspaper, there was an ad placed by Catholics for a Free Choice advertising “multiple positions.” Qualifications included “knowledge of Catholicism and commitment to reproductive rights.” Notice that the ad didn’t say “knowledge of reproductive issues and a commitment to Catholicism.” And it is a sure bet that the newspaper would never give ad space to an organization that promoted slavery.
The Catholic League welcomes both developments. It brings into stark relief the fact that Call to Action and National Catholic Reporter have always been pro-abortion entities. By coming out of the closet, Call to Action and NCR have ended the debate.