Borders is one of the nation’s largest bookstore chains. It has every right to carry John Cornwell’s dishonest screed on Pope Pius XII, Hitler’s Pope, but it has no moral right to promote the book as if it were the gospel truth.

The October issue of the catalog, “Inside Borders,” has an ad for Cornwell’s book that describes Pius XII as “arguably the most dangerous churchman in modern history.” A Borders’ store in Milwaukee actually has Pius XII tagged, “the most dangerous churchman in history.”

We wrote to Robert Di Romualdo, chairman of the board of Borders, but have yet to hear from him. Write to him at Borders Group, Inc., 100 Phoenix Drive, Ann Arbor, MI 48108. It is one thing to advertise a controversial book, quite another to take editorial liberties by writing a blurb that is patently biased.

We are not asking that Borders not sell the book. Our objection rests solely with the irresponsible ad that Borders is promoting.