On January 16, Comedy Central aired “Denis Leary & Friends Present Douchebags & Donuts.” On January 18, Comedy Central Home Entertainment and Paramount Home Entertainment released the DVD nationwide. The opening segment of this video is addressed by Bill Donohue today:
The standup special opens with a clip of Pope Benedict XVI talking to a crowd. But there is a voice-over that is dubbed in to make it seem like he is discussing priestly sexual abuse. Leary then appears on a stage with a large illuminated Cross in the background; he prances around extending his middle finger at it. On stage with him is a singing trio of women dressed as nuns in habit wearing short skirts.
The clip of the pope has him screaming, “Heil Hitler,” proclaiming, “Oh yeah, I’m the f***ing pope, for Christ’s sake, the god**** Fuehrer.” The pope then introduces Leary as Father Denis Leary and he proceeds to mimic confession. Here are some of the lines:
• “Bless me, Father, for I have sinned—yeah, pull down my pants and put your penis in”
• “Thou shalt not kill and Thou shalt not lie, and don’t drop the soap when the pope is nearby. Cause they may hate gays but they do love the guys”
• “Well, the nuns are goin’ down on other nuns, and the priests are chasin’ after altar boy buns, and the pope will move you when the damage is done”
• “Jesus, Mary and Josephine, well this church is full of some giant queens, so break out the candles and the Vaseline”
Comedy Central released this hate-filled video right after President Obama called for an end to incivility. In effect, they stuck their middle finger in his face. These people want more than a culture war—they want it to spill over into the streets. 
Contact Renata Luczak, the director of Comedy Central’s Home Entertainment: renata.luczak@comedycentral.com