Limbaugh_Rush_397Bill Donohue responds to a CNN story on Rush Limbaugh and Pope Francis:

After radio talk-show host Rush Limbaugh criticized Pope Francis for statements the pope made in his apostolic exhortation, “The Joy of the Gospel,” Christopher Hale of Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good attacked Limbaugh. CNN prominently carried the story. But the real story is that Catholics in Alliance is a bogus entity.

Catholics in Alliance is such a fraud that it has been stripped of its tax-exempt status by the IRS: for three consecutive years, it failed to file its 990. Prior to a few years ago, the group was funded by the likes of George Soros’ Open Society Institute, and the Tides Foundation (another Soros-funded institution). But once the IRS dropped the hammer on Catholics in Alliance, both of these foundations stopped funding it.

We called Catholics in Alliance today to find out what is going on, but there is no one there; callers must leave a message on an answering machine. That’s not the way real organizations work.

It is astounding to read on the website of Catholics in Alliance a plea for donations, saying, “Contributions are tax deductible.” Really? On what basis? The IRS doesn’t recognize them as a legitimate non-profit. Neither should the media.