This is the article that appeared in the September 2024 edition of Catalyst, our monthly journal. The date that prints out reflects the day that it was uploaded to our website. For a more accurate date of when the article was first published, check out the news release, here.

The Catholic League ran radio ads during the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee; they started July 14 and ran through July 19 (we did likewise in August when the Democrats met in Chicago).

The ads ran on WLS 890 AM. It is based in Chicago and has one of the largest radio signals in the world; it is also one of the top news talk stations in Milwaukee (which is only 90 miles from Chicago).

In addition, we periodically sponsored WLS’s coverage of the events. For example, at the top of the hour, the radio station announced that it is covering the convention, acknowledging the Catholic League as a sponsor. We hope to draw new members as a result.

Here is the text of the ad that ran on WLS 890 AM.

The Catholic League extends a warm welcome to Republicans convening in Milwaukee.

While there are many critical issues facing our country, the Catholic League believes the number-one civil rights issue of our day is the exploitation of children done in the name of gender ideology.

Pope Francis has labeled gender ideology as the “ugliest danger” of our time.

The Catholic League believes it is outrageous that children are being coaxed into thinking that they can change their sex. Attempts to do so have serious mental and physical consequences. Moreover, allowing men to compete in women’s sports is subversive of women’s rights.

Please address this issue.