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Bill Donohue, Ph.D. Presidente Liga Católica para los Derechos Civiles y Religiosos 16 de agosto de 2018 A diferencia de la mayoría de los comentaristas y reporteros, he leído la mayor parte del informe del Gran Jurado de Pennsylvania. El propósito de esta declaración es refutar muchos de los mitos, y de hecho mentiras, que estropean [...]

2018-09-06T14:35:16-04:00By |Categories: Special Reports|Comments Off on REFUTACIÓN DEL INFORME DEL GRAN JURADO DE PENNSYLVANIA

History and Myth: The Inquisition

by Robert P. Lockwood (8/2000) “Let us pray that each one of us, looking to the Lord Jesus, meek and humble of heart, will recognize that even men of the church, in the name of faith and morals, have sometimes used methods not in keeping with the Gospel in the solemn duty of defending the truth.” [...]

2017-03-20T17:57:20-04:00By |Categories: The Crusades and the Inquisition, White Papers and Essays|Comments Off on History and Myth: The Inquisition


The following letter was sent by Bill Donohue to Sacramento lawmakers on February 24: Assemblyman Roger Hernández Chairman, Assembly Labor and Employment Committee 1020 N Street, Room 155 Sacramento, CA 95814 Assemblyman Mark Stone Chairman, Assembly Judiciary Committee 1020 N Street, Room 104 Sacramento, CA 95814 Dear Assemblymen Hernández and Stone: On February 23, Assemblyman Phil [...]

2017-03-20T17:48:38-04:00By |Categories: Catalyst, Features|Tags: |Comments Off on SACRAMENTO LAWMAKERS BASH SAN FRANCISCO ARCHDIOCESE


Rapper Kanye West announced last October that he is a convert to Christianity. His album, "Jesus Is King," made it to the top of the charts and he is currently working on a follow-up. In May, he made the cover of GQ magazine; he sat for a four-part interview with the magazine's editor-in-chief, Will Welch. West [...]

2020-06-24T19:46:28-04:00By |Categories: Catalyst, Features|Tags: |Comments Off on KANYE WEST BUSTS MANY STEREOTYPES

The Battle Over the Crusades

by Robert P. Lockwood (7/2001) When the Showtime premium cable channel planned to air a film version of the viciously anti-Catholic play "Sister Mary Ignatius Explains It All For You," the director of the production, Marshall Brickman, was asked to respond to the controversy. "Any institution that has backed the Inquisition, the Crusades and the Roman [...]

2017-03-20T17:57:01-04:00By |Categories: The Crusades and the Inquisition, White Papers and Essays|Comments Off on The Battle Over the Crusades


Catholic League president Bill Donohue comments on a GQ magazine interview with Kanye West: Rapper Kanye West announced last October that he is a convert to Christianity. His album, "Jesus Is King," made it to the top of the charts and he is currently working on a follow-up. Now on the cover of the May edition [...]

2020-04-17T12:50:26-04:00By |Categories: Latest News Releases|Tags: |Comments Off on KANYE WEST BUSTS MANY STEREOTYPES


(This article is an excerpt from an address given in Slovakia last year) Living within the truth means living according to Jesus Christ and God’s Word in Sacred Scripture. It means proclaiming the truth of the Christian Gospel, not only by our words but by our example. It means living every day and every moment from [...]

2017-03-20T17:53:04-04:00By |Categories: Catalyst, Essay|Tags: |Comments Off on LIVING WITHIN THE TRUTH

Books of Interest

Catholic League May 2009 Recently, there have been quite a few books published that may be of interest to Catholic League members. In many cases, the publishing house is not big and it is therefore easy to overlook them. That is why we decided to give the following books a push: all deserve more attention than [...]

2017-03-20T17:53:57-04:00By |Categories: Book Reviews, White Papers and Essays|Comments Off on Books of Interest
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